What’s ur super power?
As a person I believe everyone has their very own super power and I respect them for it. “Super power” in my terms refers to something that makes things a little more tricky and at times pulls them back.
I equate it to that of a bow and arrow… the super power pulls you back little by little but keeps you on your toes and going. Where there is a will there is always a way and it makes the drive that much stronger.
As an athlete we all have our own super powers to pull us back only to FIRE US FORWARD even stronger in the direction of our dreams.
Some people and athletes have work, some have pets, some have injuries , some have kids. Whatever it may be I have huge respect for all your super powers and admire how you work through them and fire forward stronger than before.
My super powers drive me every single day, they inspire me to be the best I can be not only for them but for me. I see them watching me, I see them mimic things I do, I see how I inspire them, how proud I make them, even on those days I turn into a dragon, they still love me, they may however steer clear of me at that very moment hehe.
One can look at super powers as an obstacle or a reason to have an excuse or one can use them as motivation to make you stronger, more resilient, more powerful.
I don’t believe any one has superior super powers, everyone has their own different super powers and those are allowed to be expressed because they are of course unique to you.
So my message to you is to USE YOUR SUPER POWERS to your advantage, find the many positives they add to your life and let them help fire you forward to achieve your goals and dreams.
Dream big. If your dreams don’t scare you, they not big enough.